
In February 2013 I weighed in at over 210 pounds and could barely run a mile and a half in 15 minutes without feeling like death. I started immediately eating healthier, working out, and running. By March 15 I had dropped to 190 pounds and felt good. My goal weight had long been 175 pounds, a number I hadn’t seen since somewhere in high school. I improved by running and completed my Spring physical agility for work with a 1.5 mile time of 12:19, a vast improvement in under two months. In July, I ran in my first 5K, “The Color Run“a great and fun 5K but nothing competitive about it.

Over the summer of 2013, I was on again off again running in anticipation of potential job processes but hadn’t fully dedicated to living a much better life. In September 2013 I made a decision to actively train for endurance events. Specifically I wanted to do an Ironman triathlon which entails a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run all in under 17 hours. Now, that is an insane and intense goal I know. One that is surely to be questioned by my body on the majority of the way. The problem is, I have a huge mental issue with water, large bodies of water. I am afraid of water. Pools not so much, but bodies of water truly freak me out. I almost hyperventilate. So this endeavor is about more than just physical strength, it has to do with mental strength just as much if not more.

After spending weeks in the pool and the last couple months riding bikes and running, I entered my first half marathon on October 26, 2013, the Louisville “Big Hit” 1/4 and 1/2 Marathons. Having never ran farther than 6.22 miles in my life (Which came on October 15, 2013) I was terrified at what was going to happen. In all, I crossed the finish line, but that’s for another post.



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